Hello Friends * Here an Updated*

Hello, not sure if anyone reads this but if you do thank you, i been crocheting baby hats, to keep busy and to use up yarn i have laying around the house, i love crocheting, its my get away time, from every day stress, i been trying to sell my things on line on Facebook and on esty store but not one person has buy from me i don't know how to get the word out i tried friends and family i sell my things cheep so people can buy them, my rant over - here are some of the things i have made over the pass few weeks / day i hope you like
Updated : i add a Like button and share button to all my post if you like my post hit the buttons and it will be posted on your Facebook page so your friends will know you liked it -
I really don't know a lot of the people, in my town so my internet is how i talk with pople around the world
Don't waste your God-given talent!
Get up and go get that yarn!
Stop wishing you could make a blanket like any of these.
Prove to yourself that you ha
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